Page 11 - Autumn 2023 Newsletter
P. 11


     Another  8th  birthday  to  celebrate  and  how he feels in any situation and to make

     another BTRF success story!                              sure he has choices to help him feel that
                                                              he  doesn’t  need  to  protect  anything
     Back in 2017 we rehomed this young lad.
                                                              anymore. Which means he is much more

     When  he  came  to  us,  he  had  a  bite
                                                              relaxed and chilled.
     history and his future was very uncertain.
     He  had  some  issues  around  high                      Thank  you  to  his  ‘Lovely  People’  for
     resources - food, toys etc and the family                taking  good  care  of  him  and  to  our

     made  the  right  decision  to  rehome  him              supporters’ donations that enabled us to
     and they asked us to help him and then                   help him live the best life.

     to find a more suitable home for him.

     We took Charlie into foster care quickly,                                   HAPPY 8th BIRTHDAY
     and our lovely foster carers worked with                                             CHARLIE!

     behaviourist, Jo Churlish, to start to help
     him overcome his issues and to prepare

     him for a new home.

     We  eventually  found  a  lovely  home  for
     him close to Aunty Lisa so she took over

     from  Jo  to  help  him  settle  and  to
     continue working with his new family - all

     those years ago!

     He is now a very happy boy and his new
     family  tell  us  they  still  use  the  training

     skills they learned from Aunty Lisa. This
     means they are now able to understand

     Happy 1st Gotcha Day for one of our little girls! Where has that year gone?

     Our thanks to her ‘Lovely People’ for all their care. Happy life little girl

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