The BTRF team understand that it will have been a very difficult decision to rehome your pet – it is never the easy option. But sometimes changes in personal circumstances, owners health issues or other life changes force this decision.
We won’t judge anyone having to make this decision because at the end of the day we all have the dogs interest at heart and it is often the kindest thing to do.
Because we understand how difficult this decision will be, we want to help and support you through the rehoming process. We will deal with this in a sensitive and understanding way. We want to assure you that we do the very best to find the right home / foster home and then put all the back up and support in place to help your dog settle in as smoothly as possible.
Sometimes the reason to consider rehoming is due to behavioural issues that are making living with your dog difficult. In these situations we recommend that you speak with a suitable modern, positive reward based qualified behaviourist before making the decision to rehome as they may be able to help you work through the issues without the need to rehome.
Associations that you can contact to help with this are:
You can also go to our Behaviourists page where there is a list of the qualified behaviourists that we have worked with around the country.
We don’t have kennels, we work home to home and occasionally foster to home. This means that we can work with you right through the process until the dog goes into their new home. We will only rehome Bedlingtons and their crosses.
The process is explained below, so please do read this carefully before completing a Surrender History Form for us. We are also here to answer any questions you may have prior to making the decsion to rehome.
We always arrange a Behavioural Intake Assessment for all the dogs that are coming into our care. The assessment is an essential part of the rehoming process as it enables us to match your dog to the right home. It also enables us to put in place the appropriate training / behavioural and any medical back up and support to help the dog settle into the new home.
Where the dog needs behavioural support an appointed behaviourist will work with the new family to help the dog through its issues. Our prime objective is that the dog stays in the new home and doesn't bounce out.
This does of course incur costs to the charity. Therefore we do ask that the gifting owner if at all possible, can help towards the cost the of the assessment (these are generally in the region of £100 - £150). However, every case is taken as an individual of course and this is not complusory, but even a donation towards the assessment will help us in our work.
We will also ask you to arrange for your veterinary surgeon to send us through a copy of your dog's medical records. This will help our care team to assess whether any ongoing medical support will be required when the dog goes into the new home. We will also then pass these directly to the adoptive family's preferred vet.
If from the assessment and medical records, it becomes clear that there are either significant medical or behavioural issues (or both) that will need to be fully supported in a new home and the gifting owner is unable to help fund this, we will initiate a Fundraising Campaign to raise the necessary funds to cover at least the initial estimated costs for rehabilitation and rehoming.
We have to work like this to maximise our funds, as often dogs come to us that do have more complex and costly medical / behavioural issues that have to be addressed to help both the dogs and the new home.
While the assessment is taking place, our Rehoming Supporter Officer will start to shortlist possible homes.
Following the Intake Assessment, when we are happy we have found a potential new home from our initial shortlist we will arrange for a home check / interview. These are always carried out by an appointed qualified behaviourist. We will keep you updated right through the process.
We do not put surrendering homes and new homes in direct contact to protect the privacy of both parties but we do arrange a Meet and Greet , which is overseen by an appointed behaviourist in a neutral venue so that both potential new homes and surrendering homes do get to meet safely.
BTRF have very strict ethics where rehoming dogs is concerned. At all times we have the dogs welfare in mind.
If after reading through our rehoming process above, you feel ready to rehome your dog for whatever reason, we will ask you to complete a Surrender History Form for us by clicking the link below. Please be as honest and comprehensive as you can as this will help us when looking for a new home.
If you need any further help or advise please contact our Training and Behaviour Advisor, Kaye Scott on
The best way to contact us at BTRF is via email:
BTRF have Rehoming Officers around the country.
Please be aware that many of the coordinators that volunteer for BTRF also have full time jobs but they will make contact with you as soon as possible
Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation is a charitable incorporated organisation and a registered charity with Registered Charity Number 1176408 whose registered address is at Glyn Coch, Alltwalis, Carmarthen SA32 7EA
© 2018 Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation is a charitable incorporated organisation and a registered charity with Registered Charity Number 1176408 whose registered address is at Glyn Coch, Alltwalis, Carmarthen SA32 7EA | Site by AIM Ltd | Login